Pathways to You is designed to help you begin your journey and to find wonder along the way.
Don’t you love a good pathway or trail? As a type 1 on the Enneagram, I find that my most peaceful moments are when I am outside in nature. When I find a good trail to hike on, I am filled with peace and wonder as I experience God’s beautiful creation. I am also full of anticipation in hopes that I will discover something new or see something for the first time. Although, I may not be able to see what is around the next corner, I know it will be okay because if it is a well-worn pathway, I can trust that others have gone before me and I can believe that something good is ahead.
I believe our lives are similar to a pathway. Life has a way of forcing us to put on our hiking boots, pack a bag and go. But what if you don’t know where you are going? or which trail to take to get there? What if you don’t know how to deal with roadblocks or have the tools to get back up on the trail when you fall? Discovering who you are and where you are headed is essential on your journey of life. Having a map to help you see where you currently are and the best route to take you where you want to be can be life saving. This journey of self-discovery is what Pathways to You is all about.
Hopefully, it will give you hope when you have to climb steep mountains or cross the raging waters. Or maybe it will help you stop and find rest for your soul along the way. Primarily, it is meant to help guide you and give you the tools you need toward your own path to self-discovery.
So, here we are. Pathways to You is designed to help you begin the journey to find out who you are and who God created you to be and, of course, to find wonder along the way. Remember, God is not at the end of the trail – He is at the trailhead, waiting for you to join Him so you can go together.