Type Nines are known as the Peacemakers

Everyone loves 9’s.  I mean everyone loves them.  They are kind, considerate, and empathetic.  They make great listeners and terrific friends.  They go with the flow and take lots of naps.  Because they are conflict avoidant, they tend to put off making decisions in fear of any conflict it may cause, both within themselves and with others. When they are unhealthy, they may find themselves carrying the weight of disharmony that exists around them. If this sounds like you, read on my friend:


The Art of Growth podcast is doing a series of panels on all of the types.  I love each one of these because it allows you to hear other voices express what may resonate with you too.  Check it out for yourself.

Best-selling author, Lisa Terkeurst explains why it's important for The Peacemaker not to confuse the desire for peace with the disease to please in this Typology podcast titled: There is Power in Peace.


Chick flick time!  If you are a type 9, Runaway Bride with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere is a terrific movie that reveals how easy it is to slip into other people’s passions without taking time to define your own.  Plus, Richard Gere is not hard to look at.  You can rent it on Amazon Prime for $3.99.  Do this for yourself.  You deserve it! 

Hollyn is a young up-and-coming Christian artist who knows herself really well.  I like the story she tells in this YouTube clip about finding out she was actually a type 9 after several test results pegged her as other numbers.


Dr. Henry Cloud!  I love everything this guy does, I mean Everything!  He is the premier expert on boundaries and healthy relationships.  In this book, 9 Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life, he gives practical steps to help you uncover your desires and take a proactive approach in life, particularly in conflict and difficult situations. This is super helpful for anyone who finds themselves falling asleep to their own hopes and dreams or merely reacting to other people’s whims and decisions.

Read this article by the Enneagram Institute.  They know their stuff and cover all the basics here, including levels of development and even how to identify mistypes.


Mathew 5:9 says: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Type 9s should keep this scripture handy to remind them to always be in the mindset of making peace rather than KEEPING the peace.  There is a difference and it is important to ask yourself the question several times a day:  Am I trying to keep peace right now or am I actually making peace?


Listen to Ryan O’Neal of Sleeping At Last’s song all about type 9’s.  See how accurate you think it is.