What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram (Ennea=9, Gram=Diagram) is simply a map (GPS) for self-discovery and personal growth based on 9 basic personality types.

The Enneagram accurately and clearly describes why you think, feel and behave in particular ways based upon your core fears and core desires.

The power of the Enneagram is in its ability to harness and transform self-limiting behaviors into life-enhancing personal empowerment.

The gift of the Enneagram is that through self-discovery, you can create and sustain meaningful and lasting relationships with yourself, God and others.

Enneagram Symbol - Types.png

The Nine Types

Type One-Reformer. 

Their focus is to make the world 'right' in their eyes. They are conscientious, principled, and can be very purpose-driven.

Type Two-Helper. 

Their focus is to take care of others’ needs in an effort to feel loved and accepted. They are generous, empathetic, and can be very humble.

Type Three-Achiever. 

To be perceived as successful in the eyes of others is their goal. They are assertive, like to be the best, and have a focus on winning.

Type Four-Individualist. 

Artistic, with an eye for beauty, this type is highly attuned to their own emotions and that of others. They are romantics who can retreat into their inner fantasy world.

Type Five-Investigator. 

With a passion for knowledge/ideas, and an ability to focus along with a keen intellect this type is a visionary, able to articulate whole new paradigms. They have also earned a reputation as the 'absent-minded' professor.

Type Six-Loyalist. 

Full of courage and the ability to stay the course, this type is trustworthy and self-reliant. When not filled with doubt they are very decisive and committed.

Type Seven-The Enthusiast. 

Joyful, playful, and spontaneous this type has the ability to savor the richness of the world. If not distracted or scattered, they have huge potential for accomplishment. 

Type Eight-The Challenger. 

Intensity! They are self-determining, big-hearted, and powerful. At times their need for control can be overwhelming.

Type Nine-The Peacemaker.

Peace and harmony is the driver for a Nine. At their best, they are patient, unpretentious, and have the ability to recognize the highest potential in others.