Pathways to You is designed to help you begin your journey and to find wonder along the way.
Don’t you love a good trail? As a Type 1 on the Enneagram, I find that my most peaceful moments are when I am on a trail in nature somewhere. As Type 1’s we NEED to get outside. (Notice I said NEED there.) Remember all that stuff in between your ears? The critical thoughts about yourself, your environment, work, etc.? All those things you see that you want to make better? Outside in God’s creation, there is nothing to make better. It is already perfect exactly as is.
A good trail is not just a peaceful place, but it is full of possibilities. I kind of like that I can’t see what is around the next corner, but I am full of anticipation about getting there to see and experience it. I have to trust that if it is a well-worn pathway, that others have gone before me and that I can trust that something good is ahead. Hence – the name: Pathways To You.
It is a good metaphor for life isn’t? Aren’t our days just another step forward on the path that God has already set before you? Our only job is to trust and to go. Unfortunately, trusting may be the hardest part. So where do you start? I like to say that showing up is 70% of the challenge. If you can put your shoes on, pack your backpack, get in your car and get to the trailhead – You have already started, yet you have not even begun.
How do I pack a bag for my path? Great question. Are you ready for the answer? Get ready – Here it is:
Say this out loud: Lord, I want your will in my life.
Whew! That is a hard one.
Maybe it is too hard right now. If so, try this one: Lord, help me to want your will in my life.
If you can say this and mean it on a regular basis, it can be a game changer. You see, God already sees what you can’t see. He already knows you intimately and way better than you know yourself. In fact, He knows best for you – even better than you do. Can you trust him? Believe me, being on the pathway that God has designed and created just for me – using all of my gifts, talents, skills and experiences to live a life that is flourishing is way better than anything I could have come up with on my own.
So, here we are. Pathways to You is designed to help you begin your journey and to find wonder along the way. Remember, God is not at the end of the trail waiting for you – He is at the trailhead waiting for you to join Him so you can go together.